Pets are prone to stress just like human beings when left alone or in the company of people they don't recognize. That is why more and more people are preferring to take their pets with them during their travels. If you are also planning to take your cat or dog with you on your upcoming trip here is everything you need to know about traveling with pets.

Guide To Travelling With Pets

Do you really need to travel with your pet?

The first question that you need to ask yourself is do you really need to take your pet with you? If there will be somebody trustworthy at home to look after your pet, that's probably a better idea than taking them with you on your trip. Also, if you are going away for just a day or two it might not be a bad idea to leave them with somebody you trust. If you do not have any of these options available to you thenit is possible to take your pet with you as long as you ensure they'll be safe and happy.

travel with dog
Travel With Your Dog


Review all your travel options

There are certain restrictions that you need to learn about before travelling with a pet. Some airlines do not allow pets in the cabin area of the plane, in that case the pet will be in the cargo area which might be a little stressful for your furry family member. Some airlines also have specific guidelines about not taking pets during certain months of the year such as July to September when the temperature is too high for any living thing to be placed inside the cargo area. In that case you might think about travelling by a car or by motorcycle depending on the distance you are planning to cover and the number of people accompanying you.

Taking your pet on a motorcycle trip might not be the best idea especially if the weather is too hot or too cold. Think about all of your options before finalizing anything. When you are evaluating your travel options, you also need to consider the size of your pet. Labradors and German shepherds are too big for motorcycle trips and you would need a car to keep everybody comfortable during the journey.

travel with cat
Travel with your cat



Vaccination is another thing that you should not forget about before travelling with your pet. In certain countries, there is a stipulated time after vaccinating the pet that has to elapse before you become eligible to take your pet with you. In the US, this is 28 days after vaccination and in other countries the time can vary, so find out before booking your tickets.

Be prepared for health complications

Always be prepared for health complications with your pet especially in a foreign country. Make sure to carry food items that are compatible with your pet's digestive system and take care not to put your pet into unnecessary stress. In case of a medical emergency do not delay approaching a certified veterinarian so your pet can get immediate medical attention on time.

Get your documents ready

Just like human beings, pets also need identification documents. In Europe you might need a passport specifically for the pet including other identification documents and vaccination certifications. Speak with your travel agent and find out what necessary documents you need to carry. A certificate of veterinary inspections may also be mandatory in certain places. Also, don't forget to carry prescriptions and medicines that your pet needs. Digitize the medical records of your pet which might come in handy in case you face a medical emergency at your destination.

pet transport
Choose your transport


Book a Pet-Friendly Accommodation

There are more hotels and holiday accommodation providers that accept pets these days, although they are still rare. When you do find an accommodation that is pet-friendly, make sure it has the necessary infrastructure to keep your pet engaged and stress-free during the duration of your vacation. Keep in mind that you might have to pay a little bit extra to use pet friendly facilities at your accommodation but that is all worth every penny as long as your pet stays stress-free and happy allowing you to enjoy the vacation without any worry.

The easiest way to travel with a pet is in a campervan or with a tent. If you don't like camping then you really do need to plan far ahead to ensure your pet can stay with you.

Make sure your Pet stays Comfortable

Make sure to do everything within your power to make your pet comfortable during the trip. Take favourite toys or blankets with you and some of your pets favourite treats and food. If you think a long car journey could be stressful look into things like Feliway for cats which can help reduce any stress or anxiety they might experience.

Get The Correct Pet Carrier

Last but not least if you are planning to take a pet on any kind of transport, be sure to invest in a pet-carrier that will give your pet a safe and secure space while you concentrate on driving. In the case of a motorbike this is espeically important. Besides the safety of your pet, be sure to wear proper riding safety gear such as a motorcycle helmet, gloves and jackets at all times.

pet carrier
Choose the correct pet carrier


Pets are prone to stress just like human beings when left alone or in the company of people they don't recognize. That is why more and more people are preferring to take their pets with them during their travels. Here are few key pointers that will you plan your upcoming travel well.

Author: Aryan Khanna is an avid rider proud of the miles on his odometer! When he is not hitting the highways, Aryan loves sharing his experiences and opinions on Travelling and riding safety tips. Over the last 8 years, Aryan has written on travelling tips, motorcycle riding safety topics as well on other aspects of road safety.

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