As someone who loves to travel and see the world, feelings of homesickness and loneliness can come as a real surprise, but these feelings are absolutely normal! It doesn’t diminish how thankful you are to see the world, and there are ways you can cure it - or, at least, alleviate it a little.
Look at the bigger picture
It's easy to forget about the times you’ve actually spent with people when you've been on your own for an extended length of time. Recall the hostel breakfasts, the laughter with the tour mates, the dorm laughter (and subsequent “please go to sleeps!”) as it can alleviate the "I'm 100% on my own" feelings a little.
Also, remember why you came travelling in the first place. Put yourself in the mindset of the girl or guy you were when you initially put these plans in motion, and look at the bigger, brighter picture: you’re here!
Make your own routine
Try not to get disappointed if you don't fit into your friends’ plans, and make your own routine instead! Dedicate the time you normally wouldn’t have had at home to any hobbies you can do on the go. In a similar vein, if your hobby is more team or sport-based, find a group in the country you’re in.
Another way you can make use of this ample alone time is to learn a new skill – you can even take a local class, which would make for a great souvenir to take home.
Image is authors own
Reach out
You're not the first person to be in this position and you won't be the last! Reach out to friends who have travelled and see what they have to say. Similarly, friends, acquaintances and even strangers you meet on your travels may not even realise you're feeling lonely, so be honest and get some time in the diary with them.
Also, technology is an incredible gift; get your phone out and contact your family and friends back home. See whose time zone lends itself to a quick call, and even if it's not someone you wish to bare your soul to about being lonely, hearing a friendly, familiar voice will set you right. You may even see your situation - being in an amazing new country, ready to explore - through their eyes as you chat.
Avoid being hard on yourself
Lastly, you have to do what's best for you. Cry, indulge in a spot of retail therapy, order a large portion of fast food to eat by the sea… take care of number one - you!
Author: Tamsin is a London-based travel, women’s lifestyle and commercial content writer, with a love for salted popcorn, fried chicken and, of course, travelling the world. You can follow her on her travels and through life in her 20s on Twitter: @20sintransit. Instagram: @twentiesintransit
Images used are authors own.