As travellers we were born curious creatures. We popped out into this big wide world with an intuitive urge to question every norm that life throws our way.
In a world where society’s expectations and definition of “success” encourage us to secure a well paid job, get married, have kids and eventually own a piece of wood on some grass - setting off on a spontaneous, self improving, around the world adventure can at times, force us to ask ourselves the question “is it finally time to settle down?”
But what does “settle down” mean? And does this financial security bring us happiness? Do we really NEED to buy a ring and validate our relationships with a piece of paper? And how does limiting our ability to really enjoy our lives in order to pay the mortgage result in success?
In our constant and questionable pursuit in life, there is one thing that is certain - we travellers make the PERFECT partner in crime.
8 Reasons Why You Should Date a Traveller
1. We don’t need expensive items to feel special
As travellers we believe that Money and material possessions are merely a vehicle for happiness - A Guitar brings us music, a Bracelet represents a friendship, a House provides us with warmth and shelter and Money buys us a plane ticket to new lessons and conquered challenges.
2. Your life will become an adventure
As the explorative breed that we are – we are constantly wanting to visit new places and try new things. Expect the unexpected and make sure your passport is up to date. We will take you to places you never knew existed and encourage you to achieve things that you never thought possible. Island getaways, Trekking, Scuba Diving Courses, Skydiving – yep... We want to do it all and we are taking you with us!
3. We are compassionate humanitarians
You will never witness your travelling companion raise their voice, talk down to or disrespect a fellow, hard working human being. Turn away a meal or refuse to pay for a service? That’s not in our nature. Travelling through third world countries has opened our eyes and hearts to new cultures, customs and living hardships. We have an appreciation for nature, animals and the human race.
4. We are easily pleased
This brings us to our fifth point – travelling has left us to appreciate the world we live. We worship our close friends and family, a hearty meal, a roof over our heads and the little things that non – travellers may at times, take for granted.
5. We are independent souls
Needy and jealous partners are a thing of the past. When you date a traveller – you are dating a free spirit. Travelling alone has taught us to find comfort and peace in our own company. Freedom is important to us. We have lived our lives pursuing the path that makes “US” happy. – not a path that society deems important.
6. You will never be short on friends
Travellers are a unique breed. We are confident, tolerant and adaptable. We’ve navigated through unknown cities, communicated with locals via body language and turned strangers into life long friends before the day’s sun has set. We have an excitable and positive outlook on life which tends to work as a magnetic force when it comes to friends. People love us! Not to mention – we have friends with a couch in every city, in every country.
7. We are natural problem solvers
As technology continues to turn the human race into robots – we have been travelling the world – sometimes without Google, hot water and internet. We’ve had to turn to our common sense and intuition to get around new cities, negotiate with locals , identify unsafe situations and book a train ticket in another language.
8. You will grow as a person
If you choose to date a traveller – the word ‘boredom’ will no longer exist in your vocabulary. We become restless when confined to our comfort zones for too long. Our motto – “Life is for living." Prepare to find yourself indulging in new cuisines, learning how to Salsa, exposed to new musical genres and learning how to ask for a Beer in 5 different languages.
Having trouble dating a traveller? You may (but probably won't) have more success if you check out these cheesy pick up lines!